A special moment i enjoyed with your family
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
4:46 AM
By Jeremy
In the December holidays, my family went overseas to Europe for a holiday. As the plane went on the final approach into London’s Heathrow Airport, I was awestruck and overwhelmed by the awesome structure as its glass panels shone from inside out in the cover of darkness as though a jewel radiating brightly. As we alighted, we were exhausted by the trans-continental flight, so we hurriedly checked into a nearby hotel.

The next day, the famous Thames River was our destination, and it was unlike anything in Singapore. The crystal-clear water allowed a full view of the Thames Estuary. As I stared deeply into the river, the serenity and tranquility it poses made me totally mesmerized with it.

The huge Thames barrier, not far away, blended with the setting sun to produce an amazing sight. Also, the clear river complemented the barrier; and the calmness it made me feel was unlike anything I experienced. If I could remain like this forever, how great would life be! Looks like I won’t be regretting my choice to come here, I thought as I drifted off into my daydream.
The place we visited next was the stadium of my favourite football club, Manchester United. It was all so dreamlike as I stood directly in front of the stadium. When I was drawn back to reality, I was so delighted and thrilled that I was finally I was here, as I never had dreamt of it, not even in my wildest dreams! Though it was a pity I could not enter as there was no match now, I was already happy to be there! Little did I know, I was in for a surprise.
As I was sound asleep that night,, my father dragged me out of my bed and led me sub-consciously to the stadium. As I slowly arouse, I realized what was going on. At first, it came as a shock to me but as I slowly absorbed the fact that I got to see the match live, I got totally thrilled and adrenaline started rushing through my body.

As the kickoff was imminent, the atmosphere became unlike anything I seen before in television broadcasts.. As the game continued on, the supporters of the respective teams started chanting louder and louder, providing morale boost for their team, Though the noise in the stadium became deafening but it was also precisely that same chants that creates the atmosphere within the stadium.
As the game proceeded on, hunger got the better of me and soon I was munching on snacks while enjoying the match. Soon, the game and the atmosphere died down, as the game neared the end. The final score was a pleasant one, with Manchester united winning 4-0.

Though my trip to enjoyable Europe lasted a week, the two places mention above had a deeper impression on me, allowing me not only to have fun but also learn more about other parts of the world.
Signing off,