In the December holidays, my family went overseas to Europe for a holiday. As the plane went on the final approach into London’s Heathrow Airport, I was awestruck and overwhelmed by the awesome structure as its glass panels shone from inside out in the cover of darkness as though a jewel radiating brightly. As we alighted, we were exhausted by the trans-continental flight, so we hurriedly checked into a nearby hotel.
The next day, the famous

The place we visited next was the stadium of my favourite football club, Manchester United. It was all so dreamlike as I stood directly in front of the stadium. When I was drawn back to reality, I was so delighted and thrilled that I was finally I was here, as I never had dreamt of it, not even in my wildest dreams! Though it was a pity I could not enter as there was no match now, I was already happy to be there! Little did I know, I was in for a surprise.

As I was sound asleep that night,, my father dragged me out of my bed and led me sub-consciously to the stadium. As I slowly arouse, I realized what was going on. At first, it came as a shock to me but as I slowly absorbed the fact that I got to see the match live, I got totally thrilled and adrenaline started rushing through my body.

Though my trip to enjoyable
Signing off,
Hi guys,
School had started and it went into full gear, and so as my CCA, band. So, thus I have no more time for my favorite game, Maple. As I mention in my other blog post before, Maple is an enjoyable 2-dimension game with lots of obstacles and challenges, which require certain knowledge of the game. But at least in school, I get to participate in band! And today is special as we would be welcoming sec1s to our band.
So, we kicked off our schedule by playing for the sec1s. After they settled in, we started on out pieces, 5 in total. As we played the pieces, the rise and fall of the emotions that were embedded in the pieces tool its full effect as the sec1s were totally mesmerized with the songs. In a flash, we were on out last piece. When we finish playing this piece, the sec1s we were engulfed in a sea of applause as the sec 1s showed no lack of appreciation.
As we plated for the sec1s, it is not only just to give them a sense of band. It is also to give them a rough idea of which instruments they would pick or want to play in the future.
The tedious jobs of splitting up the batch into the different sections. After that was done, the seniors led them up to a secluded location and started with ice breaker games, and allowed them to get to know more about the instruments they are going to play. I’m off to sleep, as it has been a long day!
Signing off,
JeremyHi guys,
If you haven’t read this blog before or know me personally, you probably wouldn’t know that I like to play Maple. But as the weekend carried on as usual, I finished the homework that was given to us. Yes! Finally, I went up the computer and switched it on, anticipating playing my favourite game, Maple Story. To my utter horror, as I clicked on the shortcut icon on the desktop, it refused to open, and a pop-up would appear and it showed “Fatal Error”. Fearing that there maybe a virus, I uninstalled the Maple Story and installed it again. But it would take at least 3 hours to completely download. So now, I faced a problem that I never encounter before. I was bored. Usually when I was bored I would play Maple, but today I was installing it again. So I roamed around on the internet searching for something to do. Then I found a website called Maple simulator, which allows people to stimulate the moves of character and monsters. Also, it allows them to dress their character in any possible way they want, previously not possible to do so in the real game. Though it did not have the thrill of the real game, the fun is, it allowed me to have of another dimension. The time flew fast and before I knew it, the download was complete. But also, it was then, I completed my first animation. Though it was a freeze frame, I would practice until I could make a real animation. That’s all! I’m off to play Maple.
Hi guys
Today was an unusual day as I experience many things previously that I hadn’t experienced before. The day started, as not as usual, as for the very first time, I had arrived in school early. To be precise, I was 15 minutes early! It was a miracle, I thought as I strolled into my classroom.
The day dragged along and finally we had only one more lesson to go. Hurray! The day was almost over, but groans were evident as the last period was mother tongue. In our opinion, we dislike mother tongue out of all our subjects we studied, as it was very boring. In our mother tongue class, we combined with class 2k to form HCL class 2-25. But in class 2k, there was one particular boy who left a big and deep impression on me. I was not sure what’s his real name, but we nicknamed him Floatey. Floatey was overweight and was often the center of insults and jokes.
He was like a volcano, storing up “magma”. But a volcano was eventually going to blow. That’s what happened with Floatey. Today the Chinese lesson went on as per normal, and we also never stopped insulting Floatey.
I too was not sure what had exactly happened, but apparently I insult Floatey and he exploded with rage. With a violent push, he pushed away his table and charge towards me. He swung his fist and slammed it into my head. I instantly lost consciousness and blacked out. The next thing I knew, I was lying in a hospital ward, blogging right now. So, won’t you agree that something unusual happened today?
Signing off,
JeremyHello guys!
Believe it or not, but my hobby is to blog when no one is at home because like to be alone when I am blogging. So today I am alone again, and I will be blogging about the computer game I play and why I choose to play that game. A misconceptions that the world share, including my mother, thinks that playing violent games will affect us to do violent things, making my range of computer games that I can play shrink by alot.
Games like Guns, Warcraft and Call of Duty were not accessible by me.
In the end, I end up playing Maplestory, a non-violent, fantasy like game. Though it is just a game, in this way, I can chat with my friends while playing a game we all like. Isn’t this the best of both worlds? Okay. Now to chat with you all about the game. Maple is a two dimensional game with first character action.

Now to go in depth about what it is. There are different beginners to start with, each with its strength and weaknesses, all equally matched. We have to fight monsters which give us money, experience and items. As we reached required amount of experience for that level, we gain a level, making us stronger, and improving our skills.
As we grow stronger, we have to consistently fight even stronger monsters. But this isn’t a no brainer’s game, as it requires the players to think about whether by buying some items are cost-efficient and worthwhile as compared to others. So not all games are detrimental to us. That will do it for today.
Signing off,